Project: Moon Gate - Broughton Hall Estate

- Sculputural & Spiritual

Inspired as a blend between the traditional dry-stone-walling of Yorkshire and a Chinese circular archway, we were commisioned to build this ‘Moon-Gate’ by the Broughton Hall Estate. As part of a retreat held there, it was intended to be used as part of a ritual procession to the ‘Fire Temple’.

The supporting wall was intentionally made resembling a state of disrepair to make the age of the structure ambiguous and lend it an ancient romance. The structure itself was meticulously planned and pinned together with a supporting buttress hidden adjacent to it.

Gate of Transformation

  • The internal opening of the structure stands at 2 metres.

  • A wooden ‘former’ was used as a support until the keystone was hammered home, locking the structure together.

  • Hidden metal pins and resin help to secure the structure.

  • Engraver, Gary Breeze carved Alpha & Omega symbols into stones that were inset into the pathway.

Woodland Path, Boulders, Moon Gate, Drystone Wall,

